tirsdag 4. september 2012

Cars i regret letting go ..

This is one of my biggest regrets. A splendid 1302 i bought for next to nothing. It was bright yellow and ugly as heck and had a lot to be worked out before any MOT could be passed. This car grew on me in a big way, and if i hadn't messed up my personal finances at the time i would never have sold it.. A great 1600 engine it had too :( And Konis and lowering springs .. and Kamei ... 

The blue one is a 1958 with arrows. All original parts up until i swapped the front beam for an adjustable. New breaks and cylinders. Had rust issues, that is no more rust - that had been cut by a privious owner and replaced with foam ...Great car..


The 412 is a car that i like more and more every time i see it. It was bought so i had something to drive to
the 25th anniversary of the Volkswagen club here in Bergen.
I overhauled the engine but managed to adjust the vents all wrong, like in very wrong so now I'm waiting for my more skilled uncle to help me out and set it all straight :)

The car has been slightly lowered and got a nice stance. What needs to been done is change the right rear wheel bearing and overhaul the master cylinder (in addition to getting the engine running properly). 
The engine was originally injection from another car but is now a twin solex. 

søndag 2. september 2012

Die Polizei bug

The summer of 2009 i bought a 1973 model VW 1300s . It was red, terribly rusted and missing an engine. In the following 2 weeks after purchase it became green and white, lowered and sporting a 1600 engine.
It drove like a champ the 1000 km round trip Bergen - Oslo - Bergen, but once at home i lost the ignition key and dust started to settle.

Fall 2011 i decided it was time to weld her up to former glory. A few guys from my vw club turned up to carry the body inside - and in the process it actually broke due to rust ..

A few pictures from its life in my possession: :
my good friend Knut posing with the lowered Polizei

Widened rear wheel arches to fit the 9 inch KPZ rims

the paint - a ppg product ... they forgot to mention we needed hardener.. :)

The color is the original ral 6009 tannengrun and ral 9010 reinweiss

For some odd reason i had mounted a pair of emergency lights from an american fireengine on my front bumper, and on the engine lid another red light from a fireengine - this one used as a centermounted brakelight.

After the 1000 km roundtrip i came home, lost the key to the car and it ended up sitting

for 3 years before i decided to fix all rust issues ...(still got no key btw :p )

With some help from good friends in RZR (Regenstadt Zombie Racewerks/  Regenstadt.com)
the body was carried inside my shed and prepped for surgery

There was some rust .. 

The channel actually broke apart from the body when we carried it inside

Unfortunately i'm more fond of welding than documenting rust with a camera, but in short the rust was in the following places : 

Both rear wheel housings more or less gone, both rear quarterpanels gone, both heater channels gone, all 4 panels where the fenders bolt on needed repair as the nuts where gone and so was the steel surrounding them. 
Front wheel housing both side . The entire  area above the napoleon hat right side. The spare tire thing (yes- english is not my mothertongue and its becoming more and more obvious :D )
I decided to remove the entire rear since it was all rusted and replaced it later on with one from a donor car. 

Spare tire thingie removed and replaced

Photo of an actual repair not just rust ;)

Rust repair in progress
The chassis rolled in to join with the body. Chassis recieved a coat of paint and general overhaul. Floor pans solid and replaced short time before i bought the car. Front beam is an adjustable puma suspension with bugpack shocks. Lowering spindles added for more comfort and looks ;) 

Body and chassis joined after a hectic winter
Removed the decals with citrus cleaner and the paint got all sticky icky probably due to no hardener the first time around

Flap disc'd




Fitting the "new" rear

And so it sits atm ... only inside since it has been raining like crazy for the past week :/

Herbie - the daughter bug

I got a lovely 1959 VW Ragtop body stored in my shed. The plans have been for quite a few years now to turn it into a Herbie.. I got the parts, i got the paint, i got the chassis.. What i'm missing is a good looking interior and new rag. My plans for the look was a slammed, sligthly worn Herbie - much like this :

My lovely daughter Linea has a mind and idea of her own, she says it should look like this :

I think it will be a mix. A slammed Herbie with wide rims and graphics from the latest movie. :)